LogActivitiesIf you find yourself jumping from one activity to another and you still do not know why you are not able to accomplish all the things that you planned the day before, then it is probably a good idea to start logging your time. What do I mean by that is taking a pen and a piece of paper, or if you want, you use a smartphone, and start writing everything that you do from the moment you get up from bed, until the moment you go to back to sleep in the evening. Write down each activity that you did during that day and also put the time duration that it took you to do that.

I know that it might be a bit weird and boring and it kind of like seems a bit strange and unnecessary to spend a lot of time doing this time logging, but it might reveal surprising results that you might not even be aware of. It is possible that you have been consistently over-exaggerating the time that you thought it took you to do something, but you were wrong. In contrary to that, you might have been thinking that you are spending only a few moments in something trivial, but it was shocking and also a bit embarrassing to find out later on that you were deluding yourself.

You might have been exaggerating and thinking that it took too long for you to workout, or to read 5 pages that you have been planning to do each day, but you figured out that it was not the case. In fact, you might have found out that only a few moments of your day were spent in these activities that do not seem urgent, but that are very important. On the other hand, you have thought that you only spent 20 minutes in Facebook or in your inbox, but it turned out that you were wrong. You were planning to stay for 20 minutes in Facebook, but a new video that a friend of you posted in his timeline grabbed your attention and lead you to watch other related videos as well, only to find out that you had spent maybe an hour there. I am not saying that you should never go to Facebook, but I am saying to turn your Facebook activity into a manageable endeavor that is under your control. You can simply turn your Facebook into an inbox and hide your News Feed. Moreover, remind yourself that Facebook is not the only way of communicating with the others.

After identifying these things that you consider that are simply unnecessary and totally worthless of even thinking of doing, you must try to abandon them and simply stay away from these activities, no matter how hard it might look like in the beginning.

It is not healthy and productive to blame yourself and think that you are simply doomed to be that way on a consistent basis, that you cannot change your situation. The truth is far from that. The problem might not be directly related with your character, but rather with your routines and habits that have been formed in that way, so that their triggered easily by your environment. A solution might be to change your environment, so that there are no more triggers to your old unproductive behaviors.