One way to improve the concision of your Python code is by using the ternary operator, a handy tool that allows you to condense an if-else statement into a single line of code.

Let us jump straight into it.

Imagine that you have the following comparison:

x = 5
y = 10

if x > y:
    result = x
    result = y

You can then write it in a single line:

result = x if x > y else y

This is similar to how you would do in other programming languages using ? and :, for example in JavaScript:

let x = 5;
let y = 10;

// Using an if-else statement
let result;
if (x > y) {
  result = x;
} else {
  result = y;

// Using the ternary operator
result = x > y ? x : y;

That’s basically it.

I hope you find this useful.