In the world of JavaScript, debugging is an essential part of the development process. When dealing with arrays of objects, things can get messy. But fear not, there’s a nifty trick that can simplify your debugging journey: console.table().

The Challenge of Debugging Arrays of Objects

Picture this: you’re working with an array of complex objects in your JavaScript code. You want to inspect their properties, values, and structures. Traditionally, you might reach for console.log(), which can flood your console with information, making it challenging to decipher.

Enter console.table()

Here’s where console.table() comes to the rescue. It’s a built-in method in most browsers that takes an array of objects and displays them in a clear, tabular format.

const people = [
  { name: "Alice", age: 30, city: "Wonderland" },
  { name: "Bob", age: 25, city: "Techville" },
  { name: "Smith", age: 35, city: "Codeburg" }


When you run this code, your console will light up with a neatly formatted table, showing all the object properties side by side. It’s like having an organized spreadsheet for your data right in your console.

Why Use console.table()

  • Clarity: console.table() provides a structured, easy-to-read view of your data, making it a breeze to spot issues or anomalies.
  • Efficiency: When dealing with large datasets or complex objects, it’s a time-saver. No more scrolling through endless console.log() outputs.
  • Simplicity: It’s a one-liner that instantly enhances your debugging process without extra effort.


The next time you find yourself in the trenches of JavaScript debugging, remember the power of console.table(). Whether you’re exploring arrays of objects or just curious about your data’s structure, this tool will bring clarity and efficiency to your debugging efforts. Happy coding!