I recently learned a really nice tip on how to quickly find out the time in your local timezone and you do not need any plugin or perform several steps to reach the answer.

All you have to do is Google a particular time and then mention the name of the city in which you want to know the time. For example, let’s say that you are trying to attend a particular webinar about personal development which is broadcasted live at 11:30am EDT. As you live in London, you may not know your time.

Now, you can simply do a search on Google like the following: 11:30 am EDT in London and you will see the response at the top of your search result. You do not need to open three-four tabs to see the corresponding time periods and then do the calculation on yourself.

This is something simple and easy, but I think it can really save you time, especially if you have to deal with timezone changes on a regular basis.