ActiveAdmin gem is really helpful, as it gives you the opportunity to get admin dashboards in just a few minutes, without having to do everything manually on your own.

It comes with a lot of pre-defined configurations that you may not need. Not every application needs to have a default dashboard, as you want to redirect users to other pages that are relevant to your application.

There are also certain things that you may not be aware of how to change. Such thing can be breadcrumb. 

This can be something that you do not consider as worthy of having inside your admin dashboards and you want to hide it. 

If that’s the case, then you do not have to do a lot of fancy things and override a lot of files inside ActiveAdmin.   

All you have to do is go to config/initializers/active_admin.rb and then put the following line inside ActiveAdmin’s setup block:

config.breadcrumb = false

This will hide the breadcrumb links in all your ActiveAdmin pages.

Yes, it’s that simple. No need to do override any of the view files that are part of ActiveAdmin.