Function calls are a fundamental part of programming in Python. However, a simple oversight like forgetting to include parentheses can have significant repercussions. In this article, we’ll explore the potential pitfalls of forgetting parentheses in function calls and highlight the importance of this seemingly small detail.

The Peril of Missing Parentheses

In Python, parentheses are essential when invoking functions. Neglecting to include them can result in unintended consequences, primarily when assigning the function object itself to a variable rather than executing the function.

Consider the following code snippet:

def greet():
    return "Hello, World!"

# Forgetting parentheses in the function call
greeting = greet
print(greeting)  # Output: <function greet at 0x00000123456789>

# Correct usage with parentheses
greeting = greet()
print(greeting)  # Output: Hello, World!

In this example, the function greet is defined to return the greeting message. However, when the parentheses are omitted in the function call (greeting = greet), the variable greeting is assigned the function object itself instead of executing the function. Consequently, printing greeting displays the function’s memory address rather than the expected output.

Preventing the Mistake

To avoid this common mistake, ensure that you always include parentheses when calling functions:

# Corrected function call
greeting = greet()
print(greeting)  # Output: Hello, World!

By including the parentheses, the function is invoked, and the return value is assigned to greeting. This results in the expected output of “Hello, World!” when printing greeting.


Remembering to include parentheses when calling functions is a crucial detail in Python. Neglecting this seemingly insignificant aspect can lead to assigning the function object itself instead of executing the function, resulting in unexpected outcomes. By being mindful of this common mistake, you can ensure the proper execution of your code and prevent potential errors. Always double-check your function calls and make it a habit to include parentheses to achieve the desired behavior in your Python programs.