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Photo by Maxwell Nelson on Unsplash

We use so many products and services on a usual basis, hence we produce data that are then utilized to train computer programs without explicit programming.

That’s machine learning in a nutshell.

If it is your priority to learn machine learning, or at least have a basic understanding of it, then here is a new opportunity that is coming from Harvard University.

They are launching a new Machine Learning course called “Introduction to machine learning” on edX which seems really good.

It is 8 weeks long and it includes the basics of machine learning, several popular machine learning algorithms, and also one of its popular applications, recommender systems.

Here is an excerpt from the course description:

In this course, part of our Professional Certificate Program in Data Science, you will learn popular machine learning algorithms, principal component analysis, and regularization by building a movie recommendation system.

Oh, and did I mention that it is also free of charge? Yes, yes, you don’t have to pay for anything. Aside from your time and your hard work.

If that sounds something that you would be interested in, then here is the link.

I hope you find this useful.