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The number of apps that claim to increase your level of productivity is constantly in the rise. Most of them tend to promote themselves as tools that can help you capture the tasks that you need to do. However, they do not either emphasize nor seem to promote another important factor: Keeping a did-it list, about the history of finished tasks. This might sound a bit weird and unheard, but it is something very helpful that can have a considerable impact on the levels of productivity.

The author of the best-selling book, The Personal MBA, Josh Kaufman gives this phenomenal advice which is backed up by science. When you feel discouraged that there is simply so many things that you need to do, and lack the courage and determination to face the difficulties that might arise, having a did-it list nearby can remind you of your past victories.

You might not feel motivated to go the gym. When you see on your did-it list that you exercised four time last week you are more likely to have the urge to go this time too.

You might procrastinate writing a very important email. When you see on your did-it list that you have written so many important emails in the past when applying for a job can incentivize you to write this email.

You might have been building a large stack of unread books in your shelf and never read any of them. When you see on your did-it list that you have read a few electronic books in your Kindle can make you feel less guilty.

Your past victories have been already accomplished through your determination, work and commitment. Your past performance have lead you and given you the results that you have right now in your life. These results can be improved further with action and a prior planning. It is also important to mention that planning in advance can save you a lot of execution time.

Even though you might have found yourself procrastinating recently on doing the most important tasks, having the chance to see that you have finished a lot of items in the past can make you feel proud about yourself and motivate you to go further. People might often forget about their past, so a did-it list can help them remember about their productivity. Having the opportunity to see that you finished three tasks yesterday can give you a sense of accomplishment and reinforcement to face the day ahead.

A seemingly never ending list of tasks can be perceived a lot better when you have the evidence that you had similar challenges in your past and managed to overcome them successfully. A strong positive emotional response that you get by being able to get back to your did-it list can have a considerable impact in your life. Your past victories can be the building stones of your career, future self and can improve the overall quality of your life. Progress equals happiness.