Emotion ActionTwo days ago, one of my tooth was hurting and the dentist was not at the medical ordinance. I was trying to be patient and focus on other things around me just to fade the attention to the pain that I was having, but I suddenly came to realize that a few negative thoughts were popping in my head. While I was sitting next to my family, they were watching TV and not paying attention to me. They tried to help me by giving me a pill that is supposed to soften the pain, but it was not working as fast as I wish it had. Their lack of focus to my pain was suggesting me that they have some disordered priorities: TV is more important to them than me.

This type of thought came to my mind and I became aware that this opinion was not rational and did not reflect the reality. I was not the one who I was not being taken care of. They already gave me the pill and were not trying to constantly pay attention to me, as that would make things worse because of the fact that I would pay too much attention to it, and that would just harden the pain that I was feeling. They were in fact doing the best that they could do in that moment: ignoring the fact that I was having the pain and behaving as if everything is normal.

That kind of state in which I was in was bringing me those types of thoughts, though, thankfully I did not do anything in that regard. This was only just a recent example of the impact that our state can have in us, so we must grasp this concept: Your emotions and your state determine your attitude and it determines your actions. When you are happy, you tend to smile more and be more polite and have a sense of humor. On the other hand, when something bad happens to you, you start to behave brutally, say things which you regret you said and start to blame the others for the things they are not guilty for.

There are definitely a lot of times when we are not mindful that we do not possess the power to determine the type of the outcome from a certain event, however we have the option to choose our type of reaction to it, which is something we all can do. The same dress was being perceived differently from different people and the type of perception that you have determines your actions.