Decide-600x361There are times in our lives when we will motivated and inspired to decide about something, but usually we do not follow through that decision. This is a clear sign of a self-sabotage type of behavior that we should not have it. If you do not possess this type of behavior, such that you are very committed to pursue and act according to your decision then you might not need to continue reading this article. I want to remind myself and to tell you about this insight that can have a considerable impact in your life: Whenever you decide about something, do not leave the scene of decision without taking an action about it.

It is very important to make decisions and we fail to make a decision, we have already decided to not take it. However, taking a decision and going after it are not equal and being able to act upon your decision should be one of the most important priorities in your agenda, considering that you have decided for something important that can potentially have an impact in your life.


-If you have decided to start to workout, register to a local gym.
-If you have decided to start learning a new programming language, search and read an introduction article about it.
-If you have decided to write a book, tell your best friend about it, who can support you.
-If you have decided to read a few pages a day of personal development books, always carry in your bag one such book.
-If you have decided to quit watching TV, go and unplug your TV cable and put it somewhere where you are unlikely to go and get it once you sit on your sofa.
-If you have decided to reduce the time you spend on Facebook, block it, or simply hide the news feed.

I learned this tip from Tony Robbins, who is a very famous self-development speaker and author. This sounds really easy and simple, yet nobody seems to practice it. When something is easy to do, it’s also easy not to do it. Even though it sounds simple and trivial, it can have significant results once you start to implement it.

Now that you have come to this point and have learned about this tip, decide something about your life and take action, even if it has to do simply with making a phone call, or writing an email. Do not try to overwhelm yourself since the initial phase with a lot of actions, however at least take action.