

It is natural for a human being to want to delay doing something later on, or get trapped in procrastination. If we are to choose whether we want to book a flight at 12 or 12.30, it is highly likely that we will choose to go at 12.30. That is the way we tend to see things. That is true for almost anything that we want to do. We keep putting things off and plan to do them later. What if we could simply reverse this order and rather than seeing that particular task as something that should be done later as a task that right now deserves our attention and postpone procrastinating for later on?

This is something that I read about and that I have really liked it. As I said, we are really good at putting things off and postponing them and rather than continuing to be a victim of this, we could use it to our own advantage. We can develop the habit of finish off things now and enjoying a guilt free period after we are done. This way we are more likely to have more satisfaction and enjoyment and less stress.

A good analogy about this is for an employee: He works for a month doing his job and usually in the beginning of the new month, takes his wage. That is usually his only source of income and that should be planed and taken care of carefully. He cannot carelessly try to buy everything that comes to mind immediately and only a few days after start to think how can he pay the bills and the taxes. That’s simply not reasonable. He reserves and dedicates a certain part of his monthly budget to the bills and other things that are necessary and then starts to have a part of his budget that can be used for other things.

This method can be used in other things as well.
– Rather than saying that you will learn for your exam later and that you just want to watch this new episode of the latest TV show, if it’s possible to see it later on, then you can simply plan to learn now and postpone watching it after the studying session is finished.
– Rather than checking your email and social media, you can start writing that important work report
– Before getting excuses that you do not have the discipline to go to the gym, put your trainers on and start walking towards the gym without over analyzing it
– Before checking email, read at least one page of a good book.

There are a lot of other scenarios that can benefit from this, but I hope you get the idea and that it turns out to be beneficial to beat procrastination.