

There are usually different ways of achieving something, different pathways that might lead to the same destination and usually the only one that is in front of us might not be the best and the shortest one. Our culture might have shaped our own way of thinking and perceiving the reality, such that we do not realize that the same results that we are after can be achieved through other means.

We might want to get a certain degree, because we want to get rich, but we might not be aware that becoming rich is not something that is necessarily related with a certain degree. We might spread flyers in the roads because we want to get new supporters and customers to our campaigns. This are not necessarily and might even be not efficient at all when it comes to achieve the types of results that we are after.

When we are clear and certain what we really want, then we might be also more engaged into a deeper consideration of different pathways that might exist towards our goals. We might even get surprised when we see that the overall goal is too far away with our current methods and endeavors that we are currently performing. The clarity of our goals and the purpose that drives our actions are some of the most important factors that we should try to use for ourselves.