Software engineering and personal development

Tag: software development

How to Check Whether at Least One Value is True in Python

selective focus photography of white petaled flower
Photo by Katherine McCormack on Unsplash

In the previous article, we saw how to check whether all the values in an iterable object are True in Python.

In this article, we are going to see whether there is at least one condition that is satisfied in an iterable object in Python.

Let us suppose that we have the following list:

We want to see whether we have earned more than 4000 in at least 1 month.

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Create ready-to-deploy-to-Heroku Rails apps with suspenders gem

Rails is one of the most popular web development frameworks. For those who do not know, it represents a compilation of many commonly used programming libraries written in Ruby, and that comes with the pattern of convention over configuration. In other words, it saves you a lot of time by avoiding the need to repeat the same initial procedures of setting up a project and so you only need to start implementing the business logic. Continue reading

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