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If you have a task that you need to finish and you have so much time available, but still plan to postpone doing this task for tomorrow, because you are not feeling motivated right now, then this is not a good idea. Chances are that you are not going to feel motivated to do it tomorrow either. People have the tendency for wishful thinking. They simply believe that things will somehow get better without having the resolve and commitment to take any action at all.

When you postpone a task for the future thinking you will probably have more confidence and motivation to do whatever it takes to finish it, then you are having a wishful thinking about your future self. You believe that you will finish doing it tomorrow, because it is easier to postpone it than to actually finish it. People who are really productive also have feelings of laziness and procrastinate here and there, but they know that they have to deal with those feelings and overcome them. They know that their future self will have other things to do as well, and postponing them will not have any major significance.

Whenever you find yourself postponing something for the future simply because you are not feeling motivated, ask yourself, “How do you know that I will feel more motivated to do this tomorrow?” The answer is probably going to make you aware that your future self might even be lazier, tending to postpone the task for just another day.

It is normal to have more things to do than you are capable and have the time to do. The ability to choose wisely the things that are important and need your attention and eliminate everything else out of the box is very valuable. If you find yourself procrastinating in certain tasks on a regular basis, ask yourself whether they will get done or not. If they are not important, simply eliminate them and get rid of the guilt that has been compounding for so many days. When you eliminate the things that have been bothering you for such a long period of time, then you will probably have less stress and feel more relaxed.

Among the things that have remained after your elimination, you need to set your priorities. Rather than feeling guilty for not going to gym and simply saying that you do not have enough time, it is better to say that currently getting in a better is not in the list of my most important priorities. Be honest with yourself and specifically decide what are your priorities and feel good about having them crystal clear, and do not feel bad if you have only a few of them. Rather than having ten tasks, and not getting any of them done, it is better for you to have three tasks that are really important to you and finish all of them. Thus, you will feel better because you are being congruent to what you intend and what you actually accomplish, and also will have less stress because you are not letting anything important undone.


Your future self might not be in such a great mood that you so much pretend and wish for it to be. It might not magically turn into a super productive person that will somehow manage to do those countless tasks without having the same feeling of procrastination that you had today. Set clear priorities and eliminate everything else.