Progress-Indicators-in-Online-SurveysAccording to the study that was conducted by the professor at Harvard Business School, Teresa Amabile, “Of all the things that can boost inner work life, the most important is making progress in meaningful work.”

We are often discouraged because we see ourselves too far from our role models. We keep blaming ourselves that are just not meant to become better, although it is not a secret that every person who has achieved doing great projects has had his or her own struggles towards their goals. It was not easy for them and probably, it might not be easy for us too, and I think it is better for us to not accomplish something really easy, because we tend to value more a thing which was harder.

The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender. – Vince Lombardi

If you are wondering what should you do to not get discouraged without lowering your standards, I would advise you and myself to not compare yourself with others, because we might have different circumstances and might be in different stages of our journey. Only because a person can run a marathon doesn’t necessarily mean that he has been able to do that since he was born. He once was a child just like you and me, and used to have difficulties even staying on his feet. However, after he managed to start walking, he might have been training a lot to get prepared and be able to run a full marathon.

This applies to all other disciplines. Only because I am writing this, it doesn’t mean that it very easy, because I have had my struggles and I have also procrastinated until I managed to convince myself to start writing regularly on this blog.

I don’t have all the answers, but I am trying to share some tips with you, as I also try to improve myself: Track your progress in a spreadsheet, write what works, what doesn’t, try to start small – so small you cannot say no to it. In this way, more often than not, you will find it easier to do the job that once looked really hard.