Just-Do-It-NowImagine yourself swimming in the ocean with your friends, where you are the first in your friendly competition. Suddenly, you start to leave them too far behind so that you then feel that you have already won the race and feel the need to take a break by resting in your back. After a few minutes you turn around and you do not see your friends, and suddenly a big shark is coming towards your location. That shark is speeding up as it gets oriented directly towards you. At that moment, would you remember what the others have posted on Facebook, or whether your favorite celebrity has changed the brand of clothes he usually wears? You already have an answer that I might surely guess: at that moment, you are only worried about your survival and everything else is not in your mind. Your most important and most urgent task at that moment is surviving.

I know that it might have sounded a bit hard to imagine yourself into that situation, and I hope it will not ever happen, but I want you to take this analogy as an example of how to prioritize your tasks. Procrastination might be causing you a similar effect in you if you do not engage wisely in your endeavors. We have a large list of things that we think are good to do, and that they would probably have a considerable impact in our lives, but we somehow lack the determination to do them. A lot of unread books that we know we should read, a lot of unattended courses that we only signed up for, a lot of productive habits that we should start.

There is probably something important that you must do right now and not all the undone tasks in your to do list have the same importance. During different times, you should be able to choose wisely the most important task and focus on them, especially those that have a considerable dose of urgency. We are usually very good at tackling urgent tasks. As a result of this, it is unimaginable what great benefits we would gain from acting on our most important tasks on a consistent basis as we do with urgent tasks.

There are probably some very unpleasant consequences that might happen later on if you do not do that task that is waiting for a couple of months now. If you were able to identify the most important and urgent thing that you should do, then commit doing it, without fooling yourself with some excuses, which might sound reasonable in the first sight.