

Does it really matter for you to consistently have to worry about the type of clothes that you wear and every kind of food that you will eat for lunch? Would it be better for you to simply put these things on an autopilot mode, where you do not have to decide each day about them, and focus on more important things instead?

I have already written about the importance of choosing wisely and how deciding as late as possible can be beneficial, but we should also be wise and use these advice properly, instead of being a slave of them, because there are a few occasions when it’s better to simply not overthink things. Our willpower is finite and it is more productive to invest it in things that will matter more in the long term, rather than simply wasting it in unimportant decisions that simply drain it.

Take Barack Obama as an example: He always wears the same suit, although he is the president of the United States. He tries to conserve his mental energy and use it in making important decisions, rather than what clothes to wear on.

Now start to think about a few things that you keep deciding each day and write them down.

A few examples might be as follows:

  • Deciding to drink coffee or tea each morning.
  • Deciding the type of shoes that you take to your workplace.
  • Deciding the pathways of going at the same place each time.
  • Deciding which book you want to read.

After writing them down, try to think how you can automate them so that you are no longer worried which one to choose every day.

  • You drink tea each morning, rather than having to also consider coffee as an alternative
  • You choose the black shoes, instead of changing the shoes that you take each day.
  • You always take the same road instead of changing it.
  • You choose to read the book which has a higher rank in Amazon.

This might sound a bit overwhelming, but once you start to practice it, you might notice the impact and the difference that it can cause in you. You are not only going to have less stress and less distractions, but you are going to be able to get more creative by thinking about problems that you got stuck at. Do not try to become a superman in a single month and expect to notice major differences; chances are that you might not be aware of the result of this technique in a short period of time.