

To-do lists are very handful when it comes to collecting the items that we are supposed to finish at a certain time in the future. Writing down everything that we should do is something that is mentioned several times in past few articles of this blog and we are not going to go much into detail about that here. Usually, they turn into a source of stress and disappointment, as we are never able to accomplish everything that is in our list. Even though we might read and try to implement the techniques for which we are convinced that are backed up by science, there is so much that we should do. The list simply keeps getting with endless number of tasks. However, calendars might come in handy at times like these and might even get combined with to-do lists.  

In comparison to to-do lists, a calendar with a timeline gives you a sense of time that is available to you. This way, you can set certain periods of your time for each task that you have in your to-do list. Sometimes, you might be able to finish the same amount of work than before, but it is highly likely that despite all other benefits, you will feel better. This type of feeling might come because of the fact that you are aware of your time and how tasks are filling up time spots.

Calendar items usually have an ending point in time. These ending points can become helpful because they can give you the idea of when you expect to finish that particular task and see whether you have any time spot left unoccupied for other work or not-work related activities. This way, you are not only going to accomplish more as you have a better satisfaction of the way your time is spent, but you will also be more effective and efficient. Usually, one of the many factors of procrastination is thinking that you will work for a long period of time. However, when you make a prior evaluation of the time that you expect to dedicate to a certain task, and set an ending point, you are more motivated to act. If you have to work in large tasks that require a lot of work and seem a bit overwhelming in the first sight, then you should try to deconstruct them in smaller ones.

We live at times when everybody seems to be busy, and that there is no time available for family or friends. A calendar might come in hand. It gives you a reflection of your agenda that you can start using for not-work related activities and occasions too. Family and friends are part of a very important circle of relationships that we should try to tighten them and calendars seem to be beneficial for these types of occasions.

Taking the time and managing ones time means taking responsibility for ones life. To-do lists have their own benefits, such as collecting and storing all the items that should get done. Taking these items and putting them into timelines in a calendar can increasingly help you become more effective at tackling with them.