Feynman technique Richard Feynman was a Nobel Prize winner in Physics who used a method of learning complex things that seems very obvious and immediately makes sense that it is easy, but in fact only a few people use it. I have already mentioned it in a previous blog post as a way of learning and preparing for your exams, and I will not focus on that, but I have had an insight about the way and the possibilities of using this technique as a means of beating procrastination.

The method that the famous physicist used to learn was by getting a complex problem, or a complex topic that he had difficulties to grasp and then try to deconstruct it into smaller chunks and write down each of these parts into details. After that, he usually identified the piece that was usually responsible for the lack of understanding and this way, he was able to deal with only a small chunk of something that looks huge in the beginning.

Procrastination can be dealt in the same way: You can start to write with your own words the time you find yourself procrastinating the most, the type of tasks that you are mostly procrastinating on. Try to identify the most common factor that is causing you to procrastinate. Is the task too large that you do not know where to start? Is it vague and you do not know exactly what you want to do? Is perfectionism preventing you to start working? Are you afraid of looking bad if you fail to accomplish this task? Are you overthinking?  After finding the exact reason, try to work on fixing that little bug. Moreover, you can also write down the consequences that procrastination is bringing to your life and the pleasant outcomes that would come when you would be able to consistently act towards your goals.

This might take you some time, but it might be worth trying it.

Procrastination is one of the things that almost nobody is saved from, but those who get things done on a regular basis have found ways of dealing with it when it attacks them. I have already written about this topic before, but I still find it sometimes difficult to beat it in my own life, and that is why I try to find different methods to beat it and get myself in a state where I can become more productive. Productivity is something that is in fact depended from a lot of factors and I believe procrastination is one of the worst ones.

Try to use this method when you find yourself that you are avoiding doing what you are responsible for. Ignoring problems will not solve them. You can consider procrastination as a problem and deal with the it.