

When you start doing something, it is usually easier to continue working on it than abandoning it. We might find it very difficult to start, because the project that we intend to work on is a bit scary, or that we are overwhelmed from the amount of work that we ought to do. A solution to these types of cases can be starting a timer and tricking yourself into thinking that you will work simply for a short amount of time.

I have already written an article about starting to work on a task for as short as 2 minutes, but here I am suggesting to extend that period of time into a larger chunk. It can be 15-30 minutes and rewarding yourself with something that you like doing after that uninterrupted session.

A reward can be like drinking a cup of coffee or checking your email, and after a short break filled up with a reward for your success, do a few more of these combinations: a focused session, followed by a reward. This is supposed to help you get better at your work, while you concentrate for a period of time, and then also keep up with the latest news and reply to your colleagues messages during your reward break.

It is of course easier said than done, but as a patient who is usually resistant to take a medicine because of its distastefulness, yet he benefits a lot by taking it. Though it may sound a bit cliché, it might take a few attempts that are most probably a failure, but you should not get discouraged. Having the resolve to continue forming the discipline is one of the pivotal ingredients to a fulfilling life made up of a work balance life.