Journaling can help an individual record the events that have happened in life, collect ideas, solve problems and make decisions. It has been mentioned repeatedly from a lot of authors of self-help books and articles as a very powerful tool for one’s change. One great article that I have read today has made me consider to make journaling as a daily routine. To help me with that, I am starting a new 30 day challenge, starting from tomorrow.

This is not the first 30 day challenge that I am starting. I have tried starting previous challenges as a way of forming new beneficial habits. I have written for such challenge before in this blog too, and also about lessons learned by doing it. and I have seen public declaration of goals as an incentive, as I do not want to embarrass myself in front of others. Seeing journaling as a very important habit, I want to make sure that I start to make it as a daily habit by declaring it publicly in my blog.

I do not want to simply incentivize myself to do this challenge. I also want to encourage you to try it. If you are thinking that it is not worth your time and effort, please consider reading this really good article. It is a really good reference for you that might seriously convince you to try journaling.

My plan

I have set a daily reminder to remind me to journal, as in my previous 30 day challenge I saw myself forgetting about it as days went by.

I also want to set morning as a time as a time to journal when I am more alert. I do not want to be very specific with an exact hour, as I might not be able to stick to that. I want to have morning as a priority, but I do not want to feel guilty if I do it later.

There are some templates and recommendations about things that are suggested to be journaled about, and my initial template is intended to be about answering these questions:

What am I grateful for?

What are my core values?

What did I learn yesterday?

What did I accomplish yesterday?

What would make today great so that I can fell a tremendous sense of accomplishment?

The target is to journal every single day and not stick to a single plan. This might not be the best plan, nor the worst but only one that I am thinking as appropriate for the time being. If I see that something does not work, I am willing to make adjustments accordingly.

Writing has become a really important part of my life. I have been seeing a lot of rewards through it and I want to continue improving the quality of my life by using it. I believe forming this new habit of journaling daily will help me work more towards my goals.

I am planning to write an article about the ending of this challenge and inform you how it goes.